Here's my code

  1. Are you a Batman fan?

    December 2022

    A multi-level CLI quiz in NodeJS to test the true Batman fans

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  2. Do you know me?

    December 2022

    A simple quiz in NodeJS to test whether the quiz-taker knows its creator

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  3. Check leap year

    January 2023

    An app in vanillaJS to check whether user's birth year is a leap year or not.

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  4. Minion-speak app

    January 2023

    An app to translate English to the language of the Minions.

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  5. Shakespearean English translator

    January 2023

    An app to translate the boring vanilla-English to the language of the Bard himself.

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  6. Birthday emojis interpreter

    January 2023

    A simple emoji interpreter to decipher Birthday emoji meanings. This app is made using React.

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  7. Movies recommendation app

    January 2023

    A React app made for genre-wise movie recommendations with corresponding ratings.

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